Mac OSX Finder Refresh

Apple LogoNote: Mac OSX 10.5.x “Leopard” may not need this – however some users have reported it still adds value. Apple seem to have made some changes in the way Leopard interacts with the file system making automatic refreshes far more instant.

A small but annoying thing about Mac OSX is that sometimes it doesn’t refresh itself when a file or folder is changed – especially when dealing with SMB (Windows) share drives.

In Windows you can hit F5 to refresh the current Window, but Apple seemed to have forgotten to add this feature to Mac OSX.

Well I searched the web and finally found an Applescript to do this which is here:

tell application “Finder”
tell front window
update every item with necessity
end tell
end tell

Now thats fine, but I wanted something that would tie into the Finder window. So I grabbed the refresh icon from a Firefox theme (GrApple) and made an Application Package in Script Editor. So here it is for people that want it:

Download Link
Version 1.5


To install:

1. Unzip to your Applications Folder *
2. Open a Finder window.
3. Go to Applications and scroll to “Finder Refresh”
4. Left-click & drag Finder Refresh to the Finder window toolbar – you should see the other icons spread out.
5. Let go of the mouse button and there you go – should look like below.

* If your web browser auto-unzip’s (ie Safari) then “Finder Refresh” will be in your download directory so you can skip Step 1

Finder Refresh Installed

From then on just click the button to refresh the currently open Finder window. It works for me, and now one small thing no longer annoys me.

Uninstallation: To Remove from the Finder Window, Hold down the Command/Apple key, left click on the icon and drag off the Finder Window – you’ll see your mouse cursor turn into a cloud, at this point let go of your mouse button. Done!

1.1 Update Note: I have added the code necessary to make this script run in the background (so it’s more integrated) and rolled the version number to 1.1 . Thanks to this post here for the necessary steps.

1.2 Update Note: Thanks to commenter kristaps, the issue with the edit screen coming up has been fixed. I have added the change and rolled the version number to 1.2

1.3 Update Note: After way too much time and enough requests, I’ve updated the icon to a hand-crafted icon that I hope you like. It should now closely match the standard Leopard Finder Icons.

1.4 Update Note: Updates the icon again to a vector version made by Cicciokun from Thanks!

1.5 Update Note: Icon size has been adjusted so that it is the correct size on Lion. Previous version 1.4 is still available if you don’t like it.


98 thoughts on “Mac OSX Finder Refresh

  1. It’s what I’ve been looking for, as even a simple file update is not reflected sometimes. Especially on a download that is continuously updating the file. No way to tell if the file is still being updated unless you move away from the directory and then move back. So this is a very good little addition to finder.

  2. Erik,The Desktop is a Finder entity too – just open a Finder window, select Desktop from the left hand menu then hit the Refresh button.That *should* work πŸ˜• Regards,Shane.

  3. That’s just cool… Where have you been? You supposed to make this tool earlier…. I’ve been looking this kind of tool for long time ago πŸ˜› πŸ˜› .Thank you.

  4. I should also say – thanks to everyone for the positive comments on my Finder Refresh tool – I’m glad others find it useful.Regards,Shane.

  5. It doesn’t work in my folders. I get this message: Fortfahren nicht mâglich: . Any solution?

  6. Bobby,Google Translator tells me that means something along the lines of “Continuing not possible” (actually Google says “Do not continue possible”).I can only assume for some reason the Applescript is having an issue on your machine. Try using Disk Utility to repair permissions on your drive and see if that does anything. Other than that – what version of Mac OSX are you running?Thanks,Shane.

  7. Thank you for your answer. I have a G4 Mac, maybe the Skript runs on Intel only? I later had the idea to restart the Finder via alt-appel-esc – not very elegant, but it helped!

  8. This works in the finder (even when viewing the Desktop folder) but unfortunately not on the Desktop itself. Any suggestions? I’m running 10.4.9 on a MBP.

  9. Just found through google. I tried and it’s perfect. I had to reboot to see the downloaded file though. 😐

  10. Dear God, something very simple, extremely useful, and yet not included by default in the OS. Thank you!

  11. This is great, I really miss the F5 feature of windows on a mac when using shared disks. Is there an easy way to map a function key (say maybe F5) to this script? Great work on this simple fix!

  12. Thank you for providing a solution to an obvious need!The only problem is, it does not help in updating a smb logged drive (which is an external drive attached to a Windows XP machine). It seems I can make Finder update that only when I do a forced reload (or whatever that is in English as I use Finnish mac os x 4.9) of Finder in the Apple menu.

  13. Great utility!It seems to work as advertised for all of my local folders (Desktop, etc.). However, when I try to use it on a WebDAV folder (https://server/path/), I get an error window reading “Can’t continue .” with an “Edit” and “OK” button.When I select the “Edit” button, a dialog with the heading “Open Dictionary” contains the following informational message: Unable to read the dictionary of the application or extension because it is not scriptableAny suggestions?

  14. Michael,Glad it’s working for you (in most cases). As for WebDAV folders I can’t help there (as I don’t use them) – this script was designed primarily to update internal volumes & local network drives. If any Applescript experts out there can let me know the code to add to support WebDAV I’ll gladly update the utility to support it.Regards,Shane.

  15. Try’ d to uninstall, but leaves a quesionmark on buttons place… Can anyone help get finder in original state? Thanks.

  16. Ferris,If you’ve deleted it and need to remove it from the Finder window, just Apple-Left-Click and drag the question mark away from the Finder window and let go. It should then be gone.Regards,Shane.

  17. Shane, thank you. The reason I tried youre script is to ‘see’ files again in my finder, I now only can find with spotlight… happen to know how to overcome this one?

  18. Michael,Actually it is also a script. I only found that utility in the last month by accident. Whilst I released mine over a month earlier, we both came up with a similar fix for the same problem.Even though the look and feel is very similar, the implementation is almost identical and the timing of his release after mine is interesting, again in his own words to me after I contacted him about it; “If you want to claim some kind of intellectual rights to this little utility then by all means do so, that’d just be good fun. I won’t give you any credit, though, since there is none to be given.”He has recently updated the script he uses from what I use above to this:tell application “Finder” repeat with i from 1 to count of Finder windows update every item with necessity end repeatend tellThe main difference is this script updates every window you have open, not just the front window. Other than that it does the same thing.Regards,Shane.

  19. Just in case anyone missed it, I’ve rolled the version number to 1.1 as I found a tweak in the building of the application that allows it to run hidden (and seem more integrated with the Finder).Regards,Shane.

  20. Shane,As all downloaded items from the browser will be put in the Deskop. My Mac OSX worked perfectly without your tool. But then, for some reasons that I did not know all new items are not displayed on my Desktop anymore, but I can see these items (files) by using the Terminal. Then I searched around internet and I found your tool. Thought this will help me out of the troubles but it seems your tool doesn’t work with my problem. When I click on the “Refresh Finder” button, I can see that some items (files or folders) on my Desktop has a blink in moment, it seems that your tool does the refrsh. But the new items still hidden from the Finder (or Desktop).I would appreciate if you can have an answer why your tool doesn’t work with my Desktop.Thanks.An

  21. One more thing that I forgot to let you know that the new files are displayed on my Desktop after I logout then re login again or I restart the machine.ThanksAn

  22. An,Sorry to hear you are having this problem.If my tool isn’t working for you, try resetting your Finder Preferences. The quickest way to test if this works is to move the file “” to your Desktop (or another folder) to back it up. It can be found in “Users/YourAccount/Library/Preferences/” (replacing YourAccount with your account folder name).Restart your Mac and see if this fixes it. If it does great. If not you can safely put the file back if you want (or not – the system will automatically create a new one anyway).Regards,Shane.

  23. Shane,Thanks for your brilliant answer. It works perfectly after I doing exactly what you suggested. :)Thank you very much.An

  24. thank you so much for this one…as i often search for the file last modified in the finder, macosx’s laziness in this case often drove me mad! beautiful tool!

  25. thank you so much for this one…as i often search for the file last modified in the finder, macosx’s laziness in this case often drove me mad! beautiful tool!

  26. […] Refresh Finder era un Applescript para forzar el refresco de Finder, un refresco que ahora ya no tiene sentido invocar porque el nuevo Finder responde de forma muy rΓ‘pida y su velocidad de refresco es muy superior a la de Tiger […]

  27. […] Refresh Finder era un Applescript para forzar el refresco de Finder, un refresco que ahora ya no tiene sentido invocar porque el nuevo Finder responde de forma muy rΓ‘pida y su velocidad de refresco es muy superior a la de Tiger […]

  28. Shane,A friend of mine sent me a link to this page because he and I also have problems with Finder’s refreshing capabilities. I must say that your script is simple and effective, but I was especially amazed by your way of implementing it. I didn’t even know you could drag your own applications in the toolbar. But now that I know I have a couple of other things that I might try. So thanks for that :)I have made a version of your script that also updates the items in all the subfolders of the opened folder. It automatically does this if the folder is in list view mode. You can set the property for how many levels of subfolders you want to update. If you’re interested in my version of the script, send me an e-mail.

  29. Shane,A friend of mine sent me a link to this page because he and I also have problems with Finder’s refreshing capabilities. I must say that your script is simple and effective, but I was especially amazed by your way of implementing it. I didn’t even know you could drag your own applications in the toolbar. But now that I know I have a couple of other things that I might try. So thanks for that :)I have made a version of your script that also updates the items in all the subfolders of the opened folder. It automatically does this if the folder is in list view mode. You can set the property for how many levels of subfolders you want to update. If you’re interested in my version of the script, send me an e-mail.

  30. Dear Mr. Lord, Your app sounded like the perfect solution to a very annoying problem I am having with Finder updating restored files. However, when I try to open it I get a message saying it couldn’t “get every item of window 1 of application Finder”. It then gives me a choice of “EDIT” or “OK”. Choosing EDIT doesn’t seem to do anything. If I choose “OK”, the message window closes. If I then go on and drag the app to my app folder and place the refresh icon in the Finder tool bar, it doesn’t seem to do anything when ‘clicked’ on. If I do a ‘manual’ re-launch of Finder, things go fine.Any suggestions? Am I installing it correctly? Appreciate any help. Sincerely, Steven Dore

  31. Dear Mr. Lord, Your app sounded like the perfect solution to a very annoying problem I am having with Finder updating restored files. However, when I try to open it I get a message saying it couldn’t “get every item of window 1 of application Finder”. It then gives me a choice of “EDIT” or “OK”. Choosing EDIT doesn’t seem to do anything. If I choose “OK”, the message window closes. If I then go on and drag the app to my app folder and place the refresh icon in the Finder tool bar, it doesn’t seem to do anything when ‘clicked’ on. If I do a ‘manual’ re-launch of Finder, things go fine.Any suggestions? Am I installing it correctly? Appreciate any help. Sincerely, Steven Dore

  32. Yeah ! great, thanks !I had the problem with tiger, but I still had it with leopard ! (the shares appears randomly anyway, sometimes after 30 secs, sometimes 1 min, or more… maybe I’m a bit impatient sometimes but that hack just solves my problem πŸ™‚ )cheers

  33. Yeah ! great, thanks !I had the problem with tiger, but I still had it with leopard ! (the shares appears randomly anyway, sometimes after 30 secs, sometimes 1 min, or more… maybe I’m a bit impatient sometimes but that hack just solves my problem πŸ™‚ )cheers

  34. When trying to refresh an empty folder, then pops up that window with EDIT and OK buttons.Solution is to put the script in try … end try block.Basically it should look like this:try tell application “Finder” tell front window update every item with necessity end tell end tellend try

  35. @kristaps,Thanks so much for finding this – it has been bugging me and as I am no expert in programming or Applescript I hadn’t found a solution. I have applied the change and the version number is now 1.2Regards,Shane.

  36. When trying to refresh an empty folder, then pops up that window with EDIT and OK buttons.Solution is to put the script in try … end try block.Basically it should look like this:try tell application “Finder” tell front window update every item with necessity end tell end tellend try

  37. @kristaps,Thanks so much for finding this – it has been bugging me and as I am no expert in programming or Applescript I hadn’t found a solution. I have applied the change and the version number is now 1.2Regards,Shane.

  38. Running mail 2.1 and OSX 10.4.11 it often takes minutes for the inbox or sent screen to refresh and display message lists after switching from one box to another. 0 messages displayed. Frequently happens after I organize or file a number of messages. Would your refresh script work inside mail ?I cannot upgrade OSX because I have a legacy system 9 application that is critical to my work.

  39. Running mail 2.1 and OSX 10.4.11 it often takes minutes for the inbox or sent screen to refresh and display message lists after switching from one box to another. 0 messages displayed. Frequently happens after I organize or file a number of messages. Would your refresh script work inside mail ?I cannot upgrade OSX because I have a legacy system 9 application that is critical to my work.

  40. Shane,This is awesome. I use Leopard, but it still has occasional refresh issues, so this is great even for infrequent use.Have you considered posting this to If you don’t have time, I’d be glad to post it for you… it’s very elegant πŸ™‚

  41. Shane,This is awesome. I use Leopard, but it still has occasional refresh issues, so this is great even for infrequent use.Have you considered posting this to If you don’t have time, I’d be glad to post it for you… it’s very elegant πŸ™‚

  42. but it doesn't work if you rename file(s) and want the finder to just sort all the files alphabetically. is there a sortcut for this? or can you make it work that way (like in windows, if i remember correctly)

  43. YOU ARE AWESOME! I have been wondering if this tool existed in the Mac OS for a long time. I finally did a search, and found this. Also, interesting tip about Lepoard, and the fact that this is not necessary… Another reason to upgrade, I guess.

  44. This is still a useful app for Leopard. Often I'm copying a file via SCP from linux to OSX… When I want to see the progress on my machine, OSX does a poor job of updating the file size. This little app does the trick.

  45. I have Leopard and also found this very useful. I access my PC files through a mounted shared volume however when a new file is created on the PC it often doesn't show up in the mac finder (although weirdly it shows in any docked folders). This was a great solution for me!

  46. Many thanks from Czech Republic!You saved me one headache today… as I was wondering why I did not see anything on Samba drive, when I was sure, there are some files.

  47. awesome! I can not thank you enough! I use a network drive and when I make a change thru one mac the other does not see it for a while. I use two macs for my work simultaneously and this is great!!!!!

  48. Cool little app, except it doesn't work under OSX 10.5.8 :(I can click the refresh button till I'm blue in the face and it won't update the list. And yet I can manually go to shell and see the file I'm looking for.I seem to be spending more and more time in a shell nowadays just to get around a br0ken GUI. Reminds me of the early Linux days where the only way to fix something was to drop to shell.

  49. Hi. Not sure what's gone wrong for you but it definately works under 10.5.8 on all the systems I've tested. Perhaps there is something more deep rooted that needs to be resolved on your system?Thanks,Shane.

  50. Dunno… It's behaved that way since the day I bought it.Same thing with the “compress” function screwing up and giving “compression failed due to an unknown error” forever more until I reboot the machine.

  51. Thank you Shane! Simple, elegant, and really helpful. Why Apple didn't include this function is beyond me… πŸ™‚

  52. Thanks!I'm new in the mac world, and needed the refresh function when connecting to my NAS. Not only did it fix my problem it also showed me the need way of enhancing the GUI and the functionality of the system. Im pretty impressed! πŸ™‚

  53. I've been looking for a solution since OSX arrived – and with every new feline hoping someone at apple would have double clicked a newly-changed-but-stuck-on-an-old-date file only to have it jump, thus firing the file that moves into it's place and ruining something they had been working on, and then realizing it needed fixing.Talk about amateur hour. I wonder if the Tampod does this too?Thanks so much Shane. Works great on 10.4.11. I've seen the future and it is Snow Leopard and it look just like the future in all those bleak SciFi films. I'm hanging on as long as possible. But truly, can I have OS9 back?Cheers

  54. Thanks but for some reason when I rename a file it seems to disappear rather go in the alphabetical order where it belongs on my external Passport drive. I'm using a Mac Mini and a Passport external drive. I'm not sure why it is doing this but the refresh doesn't seem to help in the finder window of Passport but when I do a manual search it shows it in the directory. When I go back to the folder it is in, it's not there. Weird?!?

  55. I installed this button but this tool does not solve the problem I am havingit not that the Finder window shows no files but it does have files (what refresh F5 in Windows is supposed to fix), but that next to each file to the left in Finder is a mini-icon that is a picture of the file if the file is an image. I transferred in some new picture files and all these mini-icons are blank or generic, whereas for the picture files that have been there awhile they all have the mini-iconsmaybe rebooting my machine will force a refresh? or does Mac OS 10 have an indexing feature that creates these mini-icons? if so, how do I make it work faster?

  56. Well done mate, much appreciated. I have a directory on a Windows server with 6000+ directories and files in it and OS X has always struggled to recognise the changes that are happening to it. Problem solved!

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