Optus Wireless Broadband USB on Mac OSX

I recently moved my data only mobile plan from 3 to Optus due to their support of fallback to GPRS at no additional charge (ie better coverage). Getting it to work on Mac was a trial.

With this came the Optus Roamer USB modem, which is actually a Huawei E220 modem in a “nice” Optus white and yellow case.

The problem was I wanted to run this on both my PC and my Mac, and Optus don’t support Mac OSX. The good thing is, Huawei do, & drivers are available (but hard to find).

Here’s what you do (new instructions – old ones below):
1. Unplug the modem (if you have it plugged in).
2. Download the Mobile Connect for Mac OSX below.
3. Run “Mobile_Connect_Drv_App.pkg” and follow the instructions.
4. Now plug in your modem.
5. Open System Preferences, then Network.
6. If running Leopard (10.5.x), click on the “+” and from the Interface drop-down choose “HUAWEI Mobile”, otherwise under Tiger (10.4.x) set “Show” to “Network Port Configurations” and choose “New”, then name it and select “HUAWEI Mobile” from the port drop-down.
7. Name it whatever you want (I called my Optus Wireless), and click “Create” (or OK under Tiger).
8. Select your newly created connection and place *99# in the Telephone Number.
9. Click on “Advanced”.
10. Under modem, choose Vendor “Other”, and then choose the HUAWEI 3G Modem (could be named differently – but will say Huawei) as the Model.
11. Click OK, then click on Connect to test your connection.

Optional Step: If you want to try a program made to give you more info and monitor your E220 on Mac OSX, try CheetahWatchalthough I haven’t had much luck getting it to work which with some quick help from the developer I got working (looks like it was a corrupted download).

Alternate Instructions – Use only if the above doesn’t work:
1. Unplug the modem (if you have it plugged in).
2. Download the Mac drivers below.
3. Run “HuaweiDataCardDriver(2.6)-intel.pkg” and follow the instructions.
4. Once done, run “Huawei_DataCard_Drv_App_Intel.pkg”, again following instructions.
5. Follow the above instructions from step 4.

For “3” Users, Evan has a great guide (with nice easy to follow graphics) here.


Download Huawei E220 Mobile Connect for Mac OSX

Download Huawei E220 – Mac OSX Intel Drivers *
* Try this if method above does not work

Download Huawei E220 – Mac OSX PowerPC Drivers *
* Try this if method above does not work

110 thoughts on “Optus Wireless Broadband USB on Mac OSX

  1. Just added some PowerPC drivers as well. Not sure if they work (my Mac Mini is out of service at the moment so I can’t test) but please post if they do or don’t work for you.Installation should be easier – just run the pkg file inside the zip.Regards,Shane.

  2. Hi, I have tried to follow your instructions but when it comes to step 7, and I press the ‘+’ sign, HuaWei mobile does not show up as an option. Instead the options I get are PPPoE or VPN or 6 to 4.Am I doing something wrong?I have a Mac Air running Mac OS X 10.5.2ThanksYoung

  3. Young,It sounds like (for whatever reason) that your Mac isn’t detecting the Optus Modem or enabling the driver properly – With my modem disconnected I get the same options as you.If you haven’t already, try closing the Network Preferences window, then unplugging the modem. Give it about 5 or so seconds, then plug the modem back in again. Wait for about 20 seconds (to be sure the driver loads).Then try step 7 again.Regards,Shane.

  4. Hi Shane,Thanks for your prompt reply. Really appreciate it. Anyway, it works now. Not sure what did it. Maybe it just took longer to detect than I thought it might, or whether something worked after I downloaded and installed a Mobile Connect application.Anyway, it works now, so thanks for your article, and your response to my query!Cheers,Young

  5. I can’t even find a + sign on my network option, could you tell me where it is? I went into system preferences then network,then it saysLocation :Show :then under that it’s just likePPP / TCP/IP / Proxies / Modemetc etcI can’t find a + button!help meeeeepleaseeeee

  6. Monique,It sounds like you are running Mac OSX Tiger (10.4.x) rather than Leopard (10.5.x) that my instructions are for. The drivers should still work, but you’ll need to add it slightly differently.At step 7, set “Show” to “Network Port Configurations”. Then choose new. It should roughly be the same from there, although I don’t have a Mac running Tiger anymore to check. If I can find more info I’ll update my instructions above.Regards,Shane.

  7. Hi, I just got a new optus wireless connection with an e220 usb modem and I also would like to use it on both my pc and my Mac… The trouble is i cannot seem to get the connection working on my mac. I have a iBook G4 running OSX 10.3.9. the modem gets detected ok, but I must be putting in the wrong settings. I have put in 99# as recommended for telephone number and selected the correct modem. When i try to connect i get a “No carrier detected. Please check phone line connection and try again” message Any help would be greatly appreciated!Thanks

  8. For me, there was a missing step 4(a): the second application asked for the APN (which on Optus is the word ‘connect’), and also wanted me to plug the modem in and wait for the blue light before it consented to work… Thanks for the other steps! Cheers.

  9. I’m also having the same trouble as Young when I reach step 7 except I have an IMac and have OSX 10.5. I’ve tried your suggestion as above but still cant get the Huawei mobile to show up when I click “+”. Do you have any suggestions as to where I’m going wrong? Heellpp meeeee pleaassse or I’ll be stuck on dial up and that really sucks!!

  10. Hi ShaneI have been able to get the optus modem working. I also downloaded the mobile connect application from the huawei web site and after that step 7 worked and off I went. Not sure if that is what made it work but I’m happy anyway. Thanks for all the info that you have provided, I thought I was going to be stuck on dial up for a while as 3 and vodafone don’t have 3G coverage at my house and there was no way I was paying Telstra’s prices.Thanks Paul

  11. Paul,Glad you got it working – I spent an hour or so last night trying to reproduce your problem but was unable to.If you read this and can post a link to the Mobile Connect application that would be appreciated as it may help others in the future.Regards,Shane.

  12. hey shane,Thanks alot for the help! i thought i was in major trouble when i got my optus card and realised they dont support mac! GREAT JOB! 🙂

  13. Hi I need help urgently!!!I have successfully installed and used my Optus wireless broadband on m Macbook but I am still having a few issues.After a certain time or after a certain volume is received, the wireless cuts off completely and I am disconnected.I can only re-connect it if I unplug the modem and start up the application again.This happened several times in a matter of 2 hoursHelp please! It is unfortunate that Optus does not recognise Mac or offer any support

  14. Yep, I get the disconnection problem also.Or rather, it doesn’t disconnect, it just stalls and I need to disconnect and then connect again. Seems to happen more at certain times than others (but NOT necessarily at high usage times – e.g. 4am in the morning).

  15. Thanks for your help with this one, I am having a similar problem to Young. My Huawei drive does not show in step 7. I have a Macbook with OSX v10.4. When I do plug in the modem, a message titled Disk Insertion appears saying ‘the disk you inserted was not readable by this computer’.Some help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!!

  16. Hi ShaneI have managed to set most of this up but underneath where you put the telephone no. (*99#), it is asking me for an ‘Account Name’ and a ‘Password’. Where do i get these from? I called Optus and they said that i didn’t need these. But i’m thinking because i’ve had to download ‘Huawei’ that maybe i do.Can you please help. ThanksCath

  17. Thanks Shane but when I look for the modem in the drop down list the HUAWEI Mobile doesn’t appear! I did previously have a Vodafone Huawei Modem which I thought I had uninstalled. Could this be the issue?Any recommendations?Thanks,Craig

  18. For those having issues with my steps above, try using the Mobile Connect installer from Huawei which I have listed as “Optional” above – this should install the driver and a small application in your Applications folder.Let me know how you go.Regards,Shane.

  19. Thank you so much to Shane and all the posters, finally got online! I’m sure the lady at the Optus store who when specifically asked if the modem was compatible with Mac’s said “yer sure, all computers” is grateful I didn’t have to go in and give her a mouthful of abuse. Thanks again, very helpful!!!

  20. You are a bloody legend!!! I tore shreds off the optus people and was about to give up when I thought I would have a look on google at work. Well done mate! well done!

  21. Very useful info on getting the e220 to work…Thank you!Wondered if anyone has been able to use “back to my mac” or not? I can’t seem to access my home G5 from the laptop. Mac Support suggests I need to ensure that UPnP is enabled – any ideas whether this is possible with the e220 or not?Thank you in advance!Jake

  22. Hi Shane,Thanks so much for this posting. When activating my gadget today with Optus, I struck someone unusually sympathetic to mac users. He sent me a link to Huawei website: I sent him your posting.He’ll pass it on (within Optus and outside it, I suspect)Thanks again: so kind of you to share.

  23. Hi Shane – Thanks for this info. I’ve followed your instructions to try to use my E220 to connect to Telkomsel’s service in Indonesia. The modem connects, authenticates, then disconnects. Any suggestions? 🙁

  24. Andrew,I found some settings for Telkomsel… I recommend installing the Mobile Connect software from above (if you haven’t already) – it’s the 3rd “optional” install.When installed, you’ll have a “Mobileconnect” app with a plain application icon in your Applications folder. In this program you can setup the APN and username/password. Try these (one at a time):APN: telkomselUsername: wapPassword: wap123Proxy serv. Address : port number : 8000Also try using *99***1# as the dial string.Regards,Shane.

  25. @Mroberts98,I don’t know to be honest – many things changed between Panther and Tiger (and then Tiger to Leopard), and I no longer have a machine running Panther. Please go ahead and test it out if you’d like and report back.Thanks,Shane.

  26. Thanks for your help I’ve managed to complete all steps but when when I connect it verifies and then disconnects. Do you know of anything which may cause this?

  27. Thanks so much Shane, I used this procedure to set up my soul wireless broadband after spending over an hour on the phone to their help desk, Even though you specified this as Optus I thought what have I got to lose and followed your procedure, worked first time, was online in a matter of minutes and I am very happy.I am using the soul usage meter and am not 100% sure of its accuracy but found the cheetah watch not to work consistently when I was onlineThanks again for publishing this I am sure you helped lots of othersLynnxox

  28. Hi ShaneIt’s Paul here. In post # 11 you asked me to post a link for the mobile connect application. Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back but the link I used is http://www.huawei.com/mobileweb/en/doc/list.do?type=-1&id=736 It looks as though huawei have updates since I used it as there now are 2 mac downloads, one on the 12/3/08 and one on the 20/3/08. Do you think it’s worth downloading the new updates as everything seems to be running ok with what I’ve got. Thanks again for all your assistance. Paul

  29. hii got a Macbook running Leopard, i followed your instructions but when i get to step 7 i can’t find HUAWEI Mobile” from the interface drop down. please help

  30. @liveD,Make sure you unplug then plug in the E220, give it a good 20 seconds before looking in the drop-down box. The modem takes a little while to be detected and power up.If that doesn’t work, try installing the “Mobile Connect” from the Optional link and try again.Regards,Shane.

  31. @Paul,I have (since your original post) had the Mobile Connect software available here too. It’s under “Optional”.It’s not necessary for Optus users, but for other networks that need to set the APN etc it may help. It may also fix installation issues for others so is a good backup if the other steps don’t work.Regards,Shane.

  32. hey all,still confused. did anyone get this thing working on os x 10.3.9?can someone please post instructions specifically for this cause the instructions on this page don’t quite gel with 10.3.9would be greatly appreciated

  33. Hi All,So when I plug in the USB device, it says ‘this is not supported to work with this computer’, which makes me think it has the wrong firmware to support MAC and PC??I called Optus Mobile Technical Support, and WOW, morelike NO support! The guy on the phone hung up on me saying ‘NO WE DONT SUPPORT MAC’, and that there was ‘NO WAY someone has it running on Mac!’. I would say this guy is a Mac Idiot!So what do I do ? Do I need to ‘re-flash’ the device with the latest firmware? Where do I find it?I want to run on VISTA (worlds worst OS), and my loverly new iMac at home.

  34. Hey,Wondering if you could help,I’m looking at getting the Optus USB wirless kit.I have a website hosted over in the US and I use it for my mail as well.the thing is I think I need a static IP to send emails, could I set the Huawei E220 to a static IP?I have Macbook Pro 17′ use it at work that has ADSL static ipThanks

  35. Hi Shane,Followed your instructions. All went well until the final step when i pressed connect. It says connecting then says authenticating, then disconnects and says ‘Could not negotiate a connection with the remote PPP server. Please verify your settings and try again’.Any ideas?Thanks

  36. I had previously had my E220 working with Tiger, but on upgrade to Leopard (PBG4/PPC), it no longer recognises the modem after sleep (either plugged in after waking up, or waking up with it plugged in).I’ve got it running again with these instructions (thanks!), but am now getting “A new network interface has been detected. The ‘DIAG’ network interface has not been set up. To set up…”I can cancel or continue. Is this normal behaviour? It’s just there’s no mention of it above, and I don’t want to go through this recreating interfaces every time I wake the thing up…Thanks in advance,RET

  37. Shane,I’m having the same problem as Tom. I get ‘Could not negotiate a connection with the remote PPP server. Please verify your settings and try again’. No change after downloading mobile connect. Anything else I can do?Drew

  38. Having same connection problems as Drew. I had the card working fine using Tiger and when attempting to install on Leopard it wouldn’t work. When I brought the card back to Tiger it no longer worked even though settings were not altered. Have reinstalled operating system with no luck. Any suggestions?

  39. Drew/Tom – RE: Fail to negotiate connection with remote PPP server. You need to locate the Huawei Application (just do a search) and in the Access Point Name type “connect”. I did this with the modem plugged in and it automatically had configuration success and connected again after spending quite literally hours pulling my hair out on this. Cheers Scott

  40. Hi, I tried to access the Mac OSX Intel driver, but was taken to a page the said, “sorry, but what you are looking for isn’t here” – Do you still have the driver available? Thanks

  41. Hi there, I am having the same problem as Nik1971 where I was taken to a page that said”sorry, but what you’re looking fr isn’t here”. Can you help with this?

  42. Hi everyone,I just updated my web software to the latest version and it’s caused an issue with downloads. I’ll have it fixed ASAP.Update: The drivers have been fixed and can now be downloaded. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone.Regards,Shane.

  43. i need help i have just purchased a mac book air osx and can not seem to install the net tx liz

  44. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was starting to freak out that the Huawei E220 wouldn’t work on a Mac. The first smaller download wouldn’t work, but then I used the one marked ‘Optional’ and it worked great (it also includes pdf instructions to guide you through the process).Much appreciated,Laura

  45. Man, thanks so much. Just bought a mac and was freaking out because Optus helpdesk was well…less than helpful (surprised…not!). Optus’ soap-on-a-rope works a treat. Ure a LEGEND!

  46. i got an issue….my intel mac worked the night it was installed… thank you for that..the next day is couldnot see the modem…?ive tried to delete & reinstall including deleting it in the preferences.. or what i could find..it still wont see the modem in the network + symbol?it works fine still on my older macs but not my intel?i was hoping that you may have an idea what is goin on or where i should look to fix it??much appreciated for your time & nrg on this matter…jsun

  47. Hi ShaneI am running Mac OS X (10.4.11) with an Optus Huawei E220 USB wireless mobile. I followed your instructions as well as the alternative instructions, but when I go to connect I get the following error “Could not negotiate a connection with the remote PPP server. Please verify your settings & try again”. The modem is flashing a blue light, and all seems fine, except I can’t get it to connect past the authentication point. Please help.

  48. Excellent — I got it working on Leopard 10.5.3It was a little difficult to do, and forgot that I had a pin number on my sim card, but once that was all fixed up everything worked… Thank you so much for this — You’re a hero!!

  49. Thank you so much! You are a legend and should be paid commission by Optus for keeping me and so many people connected to them. I was about cancel before I found your fantastic website!

  50. @James, The APN for Optus is “Connect”. You shouldn’t need this, but can be added to the Mobile Connect Application in your Applications folder.Shane.

  51. Thanks for making my installation so easy. I still cannot get an optus username and account in optuszoo. I repeatedly get a message saying “we were unable to process your request. Please try again” Should I be able to do this? If so can you offer suggestions please; I think I have done everything right on my macbook.

  52. 😀 😛 THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!After having the Huawei Optus Modem over 1 month ago and being soooo frustrated I couldn’t use it! and several phone calls to Optus who are HOPELESS and can’t help me cause of my MacBook Pro.. your instructions saved me and saved my sanity!Thank you… I followed step by step and i’m all connected. You should charge a commission for saving Optus customers!Cheers

  53. Re: the query about using the e200 with OSX10.3.9Well, I bought a 3 mobile (UK) badged e220 this morning, got it running on a ThinkPad first and then hunted around the web for hints on how to get it running on my old iBook G4 which is running 10.3.9.Success! 1. I downloaded the required driver from a Swedish site: http://www.communica.se/huawei/filarkiv/index.htm2. I also downloaded the installation guide from that site (it’s in English) and followed the instructions, obviously inputting the settings for 3 mobile UK rather than the networks mentioned in the install guide.3. The e220 connected first time and it’s happily running as I’m typing this and listening to some Bay Area jazz station via iTunes.4. For monitoring usage on 10.3.9 I suggest trying SurplusMeter, which seems to be doing the job so far.

  54. Re: the query about using the e200 with OSX10.3.9Well, I bought a 3 mobile (UK) badged e220 this morning, got it running on a ThinkPad first and then hunted around the web for hints on how to get it running on my old iBook G4 which is running 10.3.9.Success! 1. I downloaded the required driver from a Swedish site: <a href="http://www.communica.se/huawei/filarkiv/index.htm“>http://www.communica.se/huawei/filarkiv/index.htm2. I also downloaded the installation guide from that site (it’s in English) and followed the instructions, obviously inputting the settings for 3 mobile UK rather than the networks mentioned in the install guide.3. The e220 connected first time and it’s happily running as I’m typing this and listening to some Bay Area jazz station via iTunes.4. For monitoring usage on 10.3.9 I suggest trying SurplusMeter, which seems to be doing the job so far.

  55. On your instruction no. 6. When the drop down interface menu appears there is no HUAWEI available to be chosen. What can I do? I have loaded the drivers and run them.

  56. hey theremy modem works fine but i was wondering if you know of a way to change networks? Im stuck on the old (very slow) network and i cant seem to find where i can change my settings to the WCDMA or UMTS network.Any help would be greatly appreciatedthanksEggsta

  57. On your instruction no. 6. When the drop down interface menu appears there is no HUAWEI available to be chosen. What can I do? I have loaded the drivers and run them.

  58. hey theremy modem works fine but i was wondering if you know of a way to change networks? Im stuck on the old (very slow) network and i cant seem to find where i can change my settings to the WCDMA or UMTS network.Any help would be greatly appreciatedthanksEggsta

  59. im really needing some help!i got a macbookpro & the damn optus usb modem…when i first installed your solution it worked but only once…. the next day it didnt & thats when i needed it too..i reinstalled it again ..over & over again but it didnt work???by now im completely sick of the thing & about to switch to virgin or vodafone that do support mac…im hopin that you can shed some light to my ignorance on this topic because its still costing me & im stuck in a contract & im leaving for a week tomorrow & i will again be needing internet when im away…please help me resolve this asap.. it says ” Could not negotiate a connection with the remote PPP server. Please verify your settings & try again”i will hope to hear from you if you can help methank you Jason

  60. im really needing some help!i got a macbookpro & the damn optus usb modem…when i first installed your solution it worked but only once…. the next day it didnt & thats when i needed it too..i reinstalled it again ..over & over again but it didnt work???by now im completely sick of the thing & about to switch to virgin or vodafone that do support mac…im hopin that you can shed some light to my ignorance on this topic because its still costing me & im stuck in a contract & im leaving for a week tomorrow & i will again be needing internet when im away…please help me resolve this asap.. it says ” Could not negotiate a connection with the remote PPP server. Please verify your settings & try again”i will hope to hear from you if you can help methank you Jason

  61. Hey thanks a lot for this, another satisfied customer. I have an C2D MacBook running OS 10.5.4 and the instructions worked a treat. I’m now getting about 1.8 Mbps through the Optus USB thingy in Balmain, Sydney, not too shabby for wireless.

  62. Hey, I didn’t need to install anything extra for my modem. Plugged it into my iMac and it worked straight away. However I can no longer connect any of my computer’s via my wireless network. I used to have NextG and could use the iMac to broadcast and my family could connect their laptops. With Optus my network keeps disappearing and none of them can get on the internet. Can you suggest how I can fix this?

  63. There is one critical note missing from your guide above.If your SIM card has a PIN code, the light will keep flashing green. You need to open the Huawei Mobile Connect app from your Applications folder (it gets installed there when you install the drivers), and use that.When you open the Mobile Connect app, it will ask you for your PIN, type it in, hit OK. The light will turn from green to blue. You can now use this application to create a profile for your settings, it will enter them into the Mac Network Preferences, under the Huawei 3G modem profile (no need to create an additional profile by clicking the ‘+’ symbol in Network prefs).Once you’ve done this, then it’ll all work okay, however unless you remove the PIN from the SIM (which can be done in the Huawei mobile connect app), you’ll need to launch it each time and enter the PIN before the PPP connection will work from the Mac. You can, however, also just use the Mobile Connect app to connect.

  64. Oh thank you so much for this info, after many calls to bloody dodo with no lucky, useless lot that thay are, i finally have the Huawei E220 connect on me Mac OS X Leopard version 10.5 desk top, in South Australia, it was the power PC driver that is required i think, bit un sure as put your optional Intel driver too, but never the less i am surfing. Now i have come across another problem i am in a 2g area and not a 3g area very slowwwyyy going on line, is there anything that can be done for this until Nov. when we get out new lines so can go adsl then yeah. I want to say thank you to people like you that help us out on the net and stop me pulling my hair out. Thumbs up to you.

  65. Whoo! Internet on my new Mac! I converted last week but don’t have a phoneline where I’m renting, so had to get the mobile internet. Thanks Shane!!!

  66. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you SOOOOO much….. i’ve recently had my PC laptop stolen, and have decided to buy an iMac. Not realising that my optus wireless broadband (with 20 months remaining on the contract) was “incompatible” with Mac. Thanks so much for sorting this out for me, I can’t believe they don’t advertise that it can be done.Haven’t got my iMac yet, in a couple of weeks!!! have bookmarked the site, thanks again! Kenny 🙂

  67. I’ve followed your steps, but it has stopped because I haven’t inserted a telephone number (although I placed *99#, which is a default number). Do I have to place the specific number for my country, provided by Vodafone? Thx in advance.

  68. Thanks a lot !!I just got an Optus wireless HSDPA modem for my MB Pro. The sales staff assured me it worked with Macs out of the box. When I got it, ran the Huawei Mobile Connect App that comes with it, it failed to connect. Hours of waiting on the phone for Optus Tech support was a waste of time. When I finally got them, all he could say was re-install and reboot – typical windows mindset. He even got a bit testy saying I was wasting his time!! But your instructions worked like a charm. I am connected at the highest speed the modem is capable of. One note: One of the comments above mentioned entering something in the PIN field. The Optus modem came without a PIN, and it is working fine for me with the PIN field blank.PM, Docklands, Melbourne

  69. Thanks so much, your above instructions worked perfectly! The speed is quite impressive also – I have wireless at home and university but this is great when I'm on the road, or at a place where no net is available – Cheers!

  70. Just updated the Mobile Connect download to the latest (April 2008) version after doing some testing over the last month. Seems stable and instructions don't change from above. If you already have the previous version installed (ie got it before I posted this) then you can update just by running the installer.Shane.

  71. hey it all seems pretty simle and yet i dont have a clue what im doing. i downloaded the mac osx mobile connect but amongst all the fils i couldnt find the Mobile_Connect_Drv_App.pkg only .BOM, .PAX and .SIZES files. And also how am i to do al this disconnected?

  72. I tryed it and i get an error message when dialing that says 'could no negotiate a connection with remote PPP server, verify settings and try again' ? any ideas

  73. Im Using a MAC iBook with OS X version 10.4.11, The Optus Wireless Broadband USB Stick has been working but all of a sudden when i plug it in, My mac responds with Faild to find device. Please Help!!!!!!

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  75. Thanks so much, your above instructions worked perfectly! The speed is quite impressive also – I have wireless at home and university but this is great when I’m on the road, or at a place where no net is available – Cheers!

  76. Just updated the Mobile Connect download to the latest (April 2008) version after doing some testing over the last month. Seems stable and instructions don’t change from above. If you already have the previous version installed (ie got it before I posted this) then you can update just by running the installer.Shane.

  77. HI Shane, great guide. Just thought I'd throw in the obvious (to some) as I don't think it's been mentioned.The APN needs to be as follows: – prepaid = “preconnect”- postpaid = “connect”Hope this helps some of you out there.

  78. Can we use this driver with HUAWEI E270??…where can I find drivers for this modem???…I need driver for Mac OSX 10.4.x…..??…Please…HELP!!!!

  79. I am new user to macbook pro and m trying to install wireless broadband but m not being able to run the program … Can anybody give me some help plz..

  80. Shane,All these instructions look simple enough, like stated below in another post how are you meant to do this when you are offline, or are you meant to do it on another computer with the internet? Also when i open the file above i come up with a whole bunch of other files but the one above (“Mobile_Connect_Drv_App.pkg”).Some help would be absolutley fantasticKind Regards

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